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Today in this blog you will get to know some knowledge about chloroform.
About Chloroform:
Chloroform is a chemical compound with molecular formula CHCl₃. Chloroform is also known as Trichlotomethane. It is a colourless, sweet smell, dense liquid which is produced on an outsized scale. It is also a precursor to various refrigerants.
Where it is found?
Chloroform is a naturally occurring organic compound which is found in the air and in coastal waters, lakes, inland rivers and groundwater. However, most of the chloroform you come across in the environment is mostly produced by human beings.
Uses of chloroform:
1. Chloroform has reputedly been used by criminals to knock out, daze, or even murder victims.
2. Chloroform is used as a solvent, a substance that helps other substances to dissolve.
3. It is also used in the building, paper and board industries,pesticide and film production.
4. It is used as a solvent for floor polishes, resins, adhesives, alkaloids, fats, oils and rubber.
Fact about chloroform:
Chloroform takes about 6-8 minutes to make a person unconscious not just 10 seconds as shown in the movies.
Chloroform evaporates very quickly when exposed to air. Chloroform can easily dissolve in water but does not stick very well to the soil.
Chloroform lasts for long time in both groundwater and in air.
Effect of chloroform:
■ Chloroform can also daze or knock people unconscious, even when consumed in small doses.
■ It can harm different human organs like eyes, skin, liver, kidneys, and nervous system. Chloroform can be toxic if inhaled or swallowed.
■ Exposure to chloroform may also cause cancer.
■ Workers may be harmed from exposure to chloroform. Dose,duration and work being done are the factors for the level of exposure to chloroform.